AAPL has not bothered to look back during it’s trek north. After hours it is reporting earnings and having been wrong on this one big time before i am going to hazard another guess. This stock can easily hit $400 even this evening. The reason for my guessing (yes, guessing) that it will go up is that there is no clear way to count the move from the lows, now more than two years ago. There is no A-B-C which would not make much sense anyway given the size of this move. Nor is there a clear 5-wave sequence up. A rough count would yield 1-2-3-4-5-6 which means that 7-8-9 are missing. We will know soon enough.
RIM/AAPL pairs trade.
I read the Toronto Star simple because it is the only paper delivered in the country. It can be quite good at times as in this morning’s article by David Olive in which he anticipates the rebirth of Rim and,at the same time, a backlash against Apple. The article can be found on the internet under the above address.
In a pairs trade you go long A and short B with an overall position that is “market neutral”. A typical application of this concept , that was popular a few years ago , was to buy corporate bonds and sell short government bonds as a hedge. Often you lost on both sides as spreads widened and govies gravitated to zero. Not what you want, clearly it is important that the two entities A and B have enough attributes in common to make them pairs without being identical as then it would, by definition, not work. I year or so ago I had a comparable trade long CM and short RY that worked quite well. Both are, of course banks, but CM is groping in the dark whereas RY is arrogantly focused and as a consequence CM was lagging behind.
RIM and AAPLE more or less fit the picture sufficiently well to give it a shot. RIM trades at a P/E of about 12 at a price of $56 and APPL at a P/E of 22 at a price of $253. For the sake of simplicity we will overlook the fact that one trades in C$ and the other in US$ (which could be remedied by using RIMM instead) To be market neutral you need to buy 4.5X as much RIM as you sell AAPL (253/56)- you buy 4.5 shares of RIM and sell 1 share of AAPL. Technically you have no money in the game as the sell pays for the purchase (this does not work in retail!). From this point on you do not care where the market goes but you do want the two to converge. Will they? Here are the charts once again (using RIMM).
Both charts have identical time frames and both are in US$. You can click on them to enlarge and you can move them around to get a better feel. From an EW point of view, AAPL looks like a completed 5 wave up move whereas with RIMM it is more ambiguous as the top in the chart may only be the 3d wave implying that new highs lie ahead. In any case it is clear that RIMM is at the bottom of its range and AAPL at the top (buy low , sell high ). To put it another way, AAPL has a much higher degree of freedom to move up. Also one could , of course argue that the stocks are not sufficiently comparable to be considered a pairs trade. No problem provided one agrees with both stories but just do not call it a pairs trade. See also my earlier comments on RIM and AAPL .
To Finnish this subject , one might want to look at Nokia NOK, not sufficiently comparable but possible a buy in it’s own right. The chart be low is log-scaled to emphasize the a-b-c correction that the stock has suffered over the last 10 or so years
RIM in Us$
As you know, I do not have a great love for RIM perhaps, for the simple reason that I do not understand why anybody in their right mind would want to be in contact with their boss over a weekend or whatever. My most recent boss at WG could not keep his eyes of the thing making me wonder what wisdom was imparted to him through this particular channel . None as far as I could tell. Here is the chart:
Looking at it the past few days it occurred to me that this may just be a buy. This really goes against the grain but that is what EW is all about. I hesitated but noticed that there were some upgrades etc. so here we go. Buy it with a stop of about $45. You will lose 10+% of your money if I am wrong, but then you could gain a bit more than 100% if it does the inconceivable and goes to $105
Sometimes things are very hard to comprehend, and just as your gut gives you the right signal you ignore it. I remember clearly that Apple went down the drain into single digits and it seemed odd to me the a brand like that would just leave this earth ( of course Atari and the one before that , did just that). Anyway here is the chart.
The “you are here” label is not entirely correct but one does get the point that higher values are certainly POSSIBLE, which is why I would insist on the stop, real or mental or go for options. Long term I do not think this stock will go to new highs, so do not outstay your welcome.
By the way, AAPL is a great 5 wave up, exceeding the trend-line only marginally. Remember the ONE and ONLY rule that works, buy low sell high. This is high!
AAPL Jan 11, 2010
This stock has performed exceptionally well the last year or so. However with Steve Job time on the job a little more precarious perhaps it is soon time to exit.
The stock appears to have had a thrust out of a triangle, is approaching a channel line and may have completed a 5 wave pattern over the past 5/10 years. The high to date was 213 and as the last little bit does not appear complete the stock could still climb to about 225/230. Not very material relative to the upmove.