Hamilton's E-Wave Analysis

AU update

au march 8 2015

In our previous blog we noted that it would clear things up quite a bit if this stock were to break $13. It did but not in a significant way and therefore neither of the two possibilities is eliminated. Nevertheless we are leaning towards the idea that we started a new uptrend last year at the low of $7.45. From there the stock almost doubled and it did so in what appears to be a fairly decent 5-wave move (which still could just be a c of irregular a-b-c wave 4). If this is correct the stock should be a buy here or just a little lower, it has already retraced about 62%. All this is shown in red. The is already oversold.

     The other possibility, which we do not favour, would be that of expanding diagonal or wedge that needs to complete a 5th wave. Al that needs to be achieved is a new low. Either way (see big picture previous blog) the stock should bounce back to at least $20 someday in the not too distant future.

AU is, of course the symbol for the element gold (#79) on Niel Bohr’s periodic  table of elements just in case you were not paying attention in your chemistry class. It must have been quite a coup for this company to get that ticker symbol.