Hamilton's E-Wave Analysis

TSX, Toronto update.

tsx jun 12 2014

There is no better time than father’s day to revisit the or TSE once again. At the beginning of 2011 (Feb.) we were already at 14250, so we have spent the past 3+ years gaining a mere 750 points. This compares to the roughly 6000 points gained in the 2 years immediately after the lows of March 2009, slightly 10-times more “robust”. Clearly the bloom is off this index.

As pointed out earlier, in the 31 or so years to the top in 2008, this index has doubled 4 times as in 1-2-4-8-16. Using the rule of 72 yields a return of about 9%. Add to that a dividend of 2% and we get a total return of 11% on average for that entire period. That compares very favourable to other broad metrics as , for instance, population growth. From StatsCan we get;