DE, John Deere update

de march 9 2013 b

How many lawnmowers do we really need? Well 25 or so years would suggest just as many as is required to keep the stock in this well articulated channel that has been in existence for all of this company’s lifetime. Things change courtesy Greenspan cheap money etc. and all of a sudden , starting in 2006, we all take up the weekend sport of mowing the lawn with a vengeance. Even the Chinese are attracted to this levelling approach to nature despite the lack of lawns on the x-floor of an apartment building. The stock shoots up, tumbles, and shoots up again, proving once again that central banker’s main purpose is to create waves. These ups and downs could be an A and a B and now C is developing, or,  a 4 and 5 and now a 1 of a correction. Either way the stock should work it’s way towards the $30 to $45 level in order to return to the channel, regression to the mean! In our previous blog (Oct.27, 2012) we suggested that in the bear case the stock could still rise to $95 to complete a wave 2 on the way down. Now 4 months later we have this;

de march 9 2013 s

Clearly the prediction was dead wrong. The stock went to $95.60!, leaving just 33 cents of leeway before invalidating this prediction entirely. As it stands things are still going to plan, in fact the little c of the a –b –c counter-trend wave 2 , is a classic example of a wedge (diagonal for EWers). Since the top at $95.60 the stock has, presumable, traced out another wave 1 and 2 (of different degree) and next we should have a 3 etc. and that is usually where the fun starts. This stock, by the way, speaks volumes on the efficacy of the many QE’s, Twists, arm twisting etc. etc. that the central bankers have engaged in. All that and still 30 cents short. A sell of course.

CAT and CMI are in slightly different positions, the 4-5 alternative being the most probable, but otherwise the counts are similar and the expected downward move of similar proportions. See CAT and CMI below, no lawnmowers buy a lot of mining/farming equipment etc.

CAT march 8 2013cmi marck 8 2013

TLM update

TLM march 8 2013

Last time we thought TLM might do a little better from the recent low of about $10 and move up to , say , $17. So far at least it has not reason perhaps to revisit that prediction. Having stalled at $13 the possibility of a triangle presents itself. The clearest part of this chart is the B-wave, the rest is all (educated) guesswork. Stocks dance around with a certain elegance and symmetry that is ,more often than not, hard to explain, so if we engineer this in reverse the possibility that C is not complete becomes very compelling and we may well get the original target of <$8.

ABX update

The usual then, 1 Nov., 2012, and now charts;

abx nov 2 2012abx mar 8 2013

We did not get the big wave 4 triangle, instead we got a smaller one as wave 4 of 5. As a result the possible target of $24 may be a little too far down. In fact the 5th wave down could be complete at just about any time considering that we are already at $29. A buy somewhere here should be good for a rise of about $10 or 30%. Just under $26 looks to be the sweet spot. If it does rise as expected this may itself be a 4th wave of a higher degree, depending where one assumes the top to be, so stay nimble and do not get bullish on gold for the long term.

KPN update, the impossible happens.

KPN march 8

See previous blogs. This is the Dutch equivalent of Bell, all Bells. Government owned and protected by an ironclad monopoly back then. Even made it to “Royal” status just before almost collapsing. But wonders happen. They issued 1.1 bln 6.125% Euro bonds which issue was oversubscribed by 6x. For those that think the Euro is dead this must have been an enormous shock, these are PERPETUAL bonds (first redeemable in 2018)! There was and additional issue for 60 years. All of this thanks, in part, to a little helpful nudge from our very close friends in Mexico. Truly mindboggling but there it is. A buy maybe for a 100% bounce at least??