MGO, Migao Corp.

This one is in the Sino-Forest category where truth is simple in the eye of the beholder, certainly when it comes to the analysts who move from ecstasy to utter despair on a dime on even the slightest rumor. Here is the chart from June 14th and today’s.

mgo mgo nov 2011

As you can see , I have changed the count. Like all stocks, or at least most, I assume an A-B- counter-trend correction into early 2011. Despite the fact that the C did not exceed the top of the A leg , this “fits” much better (click on the charts to enlarge). We got the 4-5 as anticipated and made new all time lows. This may be as good as it gets but another 4-5 is certainly a very real possibility , even if it goes a little higher at first.