Hamilton's E-Wave Analysis

CLC, CML Healthcare.


cml may 2011  

In the May blog we suggested CLC might find a low at about $8. The structure was that of a diagonal or wedge. Each leg within the structure should consist of 3 legs. In the top chart , starting at the beginning of 2010 that is the case. The last leg itself should consist of 5 waves, it is. The only thing that could be missing is the 5th of the 5th. It is probable a buy now!On second thought this may still be too high. The chart is hard to get but this one is from the website;

clc aug 2011 2

The wedge idea may be incorrect. Instead it may be a double zig-zag a-b-c X a-b-c in which case $7,50 looks more appropriate. Also the wave 4 of previous degree is even lower than that, more like $7. The difference between the top chart and this one is that it is semi-log scale, which puts the equality point somewhat lower. Furthermore, the wedge up may comprise the entire wave up putting wave 4 at $5, not $7.