Can $$$

Can $$$ mar 2011

Currencies are always a little trickier than stocks. First of all they are not expected to climb forever (as stocks essentially are), and secondly the 5 up 3 down sequence in EW cannot possible apply as one currency up is another currency down, exactly the inverse so one cannot be 5 and the other 3! Nevertheless often, patterns reveal themselves that can have a great deal of predictive value. We recently saw the Yen and now the Can $ has a very clear wedge.

This pattern has a 3-3-3-3-3 pattern (for this purpose a triangle is viewed as an elongated and also counted as a 3), making higher highs and higher lows with , perhaps, a throw-over at the end. They only occur in 5th (that is just before the end), and positions. Typically the individual legs look like they are falling like dominos in reverse. Wave 3 may not be the shortest.     This one is a gem. They invariable retrace right down to the base or lower, in this case about 92. Perhaps time to buy a few US dollars!